Zi Crew

In ancient China, 'zi' in the name usually
means 'master'. There were several 'zi' masters in Chinese thousands years of river of
like Laozi, Kongzi, Zhuangzi,
Mengzi, Hanfeizi, Mozi,
Xunzi, Sunzi and Guiguzi. This
is the wise zi crew
of China. In this
section, I will
introduce three most
famous zi masters:
Laozi (老子),
(Confucius 孔子)
and Sunzi
was a mythic sage who
was the
father of Taoism, and the
author of Dao De Jing (道德经).Dao (道 dào) means
Way which is the source
of everything.
you are content to be simply
yourself and don't compare
or compete, everyone will
respect you.”- Laozi, Dao De Jing |


(Confucius 孔子) was a
great educator and philosopher of ancient China. He is
also the founder of Confucianism which
morality, correctness, justice,
sincerity, integrity, dignity,
and traditional virtues. The Analects
of Confucius (Lunyu 论语) is a
collection of sayings of Kongzi and his
followers. "When I walk along with two others,
from at least one I will be able to learn" - Kongzi, Analects
Sunzi (孙子
was a military
strategist genius
and philosopher.
He was the
author of The
Art of War (Sun Zi
Bing Fa 孙子兵法).
The Art of War is
considered as the masterpiece of strategy。 It influences
world-widely not only in military but also
political and
fields. |
